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Chocolate covered Cinder Toffee - (VE)


Its easier than you think!


Go on treat yourself!

This will take around 25 - 30 minutes



Deep set pan



Measuring Scales

Baking paper or Silicone mat

Baking tray

Small microwave safe bowl


Sugar thermometer - Do not panic if you do not have one!


This creates a large slab

200g Caster sugar

100g Golden syrup

40g Butter - Use your everyday butter, plant based is fine too. This is optional

2 Tbsp water

1 tsp Bicarbnate of soda

Toppings; Optional

Small amount of chocolate - I used 6 sections of a white and milk bar, use your favourites


Popping candy


Lets begin!

First thing to do weigh the butter, sugar and golden syrup into the pan you will be using. Add the water on top then place on medium heat, if you have a thermometer put it in now.

Using your wooden spoon carefully, move the mixture into all the sugar is dissolved. Once dissolved stop. Increase the heat and allow the temperture to rise to around 138C.

If you do not have a thermometer, a clever way you check is to have a glass on cold water at the side of you and after 4 minutes take a teaspoon and carefully drop a small amount f the mixture into the water. This should form a ball, if it does not leave it a few more minutes, if it does remove from the heat.

Once ready remove from the heat.


Carefully whisk in to bicarb, it will raise the sugar mixture but whisk until combined and the pour out onto the baking paper. Again be careful this mixture is extremly hot!

Once on move the baking tray the paper is on to move the mixture around to even it out.

Leave for around 20 minutes to set.

Once set, you can melt your chocolate. Either over a pan of hot water in a bowl or by melting it in 10 second intervals in the microwave. Using a spoon or small pipping bag drizzle the chocolate over the top. If you prefer the dip the cinder toffee then break it up first and dip it in.

Either way get creative and enjoy it cupboard treat!


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