In need of a sugar over load then look no further.
I had been craving sugar for around a week. Eventually I gave in and created this sticky, gooey, crunch rocky road, packed full of different textures.
You can add and remove any extras mentioned below. Personalise it, go crazy!
2 Wooden Spoons
Chopping Board
7x7" square tin or a deep baking tray
Parchment paper
3 medium bowls - heatproof
Pan - for bain-marie
Deep pan - for caramel
Sugar thermometer
Cornflake Topping;
400g Double Cream
600g Caster sugar
250g Cornflakes
200g Butter
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
Chocolate Base;
250g Dark chocolate - try and get 70% if you can
120g Unsalted butter
30g Honey or Golden Syrup
Extra's; 70g - 40g
Chocolate bars
Jelly babies
Mini Marshmallow
Before you start line your baking tray or tin. This just makes it much easier later on.
Okay let's start;
I would recommend chopping, breaking, smashing whatever extras you have first and placing them into one of the bowls ready for later.
Tip - put biscuits in a zip lock back and use a rolling pin to crush them if you wish.
Boil the kettle, pour the water into the pan onto a low to medium heat. Make sure the bowl of the bowl does not touch the water when you place it upon the pan.
Place the butter, golden syrup/honey and break up your dark chocolate bar into your pan over the bain-marie. Occasionally stir to prevent burning. Once completely melted it should look very glossy.
Turn the heat off, and remove the bowl. Grab your extras from earlier and pour them in, gently folding the chocolate to coat everything. Pour this mixture into the tin and allow to cool, hopefully setting slightly ready for the cornflake topping.
Now we are going to create a the cornflake topping starting with a dry caramel. (This means using no water)
Using the deep pan pour the sugar in on a medium heat. Occasionally bring the sugar from the edges into the centre. This will take a while so do not panic.
Once its becomes a lovely amber colour remove from the heat and add your double cream. Be careful. Once it calms down and in your butter along with the salt and vanilla. Give it a good mix until its all melted together.
Place it back on the heat, whilst using a sugar thermometer heat it until it reach's 118C. BE CAREFUL. Add in your cornflakes and give it a good stir.
Top the rocky road mixture with the cornflake mixture. Try not to eat this just yet! It needs to set for around 2 - 3 hours.