It's a lot easier than you think!
It is very quick to start and then a long waiting game!
Overall the making process took about 20 minutes however the setting time takes much longer
Spatula or something to stir
Two bowl
Measuring jug
Tupperware or something for storage
This completely depends on how much you wish to make;
I had homegrown rhubarb which were huge!
I recommend;
6 Sticks of rhubarb - Chopped small
2 tsp Honey
30g Caster sugar
Gelatin sheets
To start wash and chop all the rhubarb. If the rhubarb has leaves still remove and discard safely.
Once all chopped add the rhubarb along with the honey and sugar into your pot and place on a low to medium heat. Stir occasionally.
After around 20 minutes the rhubarb should have soften and there should be some liquid. This may take longer, so keep going until the rhubarb is completely soft almost mush like.
Now place your sieve over a jug or a third bowl depending on its size, and strain the rhubarb flesh from the liquid. Keep turning the flesh the the sieve to remove any trapped juices.
Do not throw the flesh away place it into a storage box and place in the fridge as you can use this to either make a pie or use it on some crackers with cheese.
Going back to the rhubarb liquid; If you have not put the liquid into measuring do this now as it will help with the next step. Carefully follow the instructions on the gelatin packet. It is usually for every pint of liquid four sheets are needed. However I had 1/2 a pint and used 3 sheets as 2 sheets did not set it completely
Once you have figured out how many sheet you need place these in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes, then drain and squeeze any access out.
Place the liquid along with the sheet back on the heat, at low. Stir until the sheets have completely dissolved, this usually only takes a few minutes.
Now carefully pour the mixture into the mold or item you wish to set the jelly in.
Some ideas;
Silicone molds
Ice trays
Place this into the fridge to set, check it after 3 hours.